Sustainability and Guidelines

Activities for Sustainable Community Development

At Nicotine Pouches, our mission is to assist consumers in finding superior products and better deals. This involves helping consumers save money and discover higher-quality products that last longer. Nicotine Pouches contributes to sustainable community development through the following initiatives:

  • Price Comparison: We enable millions of consumers to compare prices on a wide range of products, potentially saving billions. This helps reduce price pressure and diminishes excessive profits concentrated among a few large companies, redirecting surplus to millions of consumers and fostering increased prosperity.
  • Environmental Filters: Our goal is to implement environmental filters across all product categories, aiding consumers in reducing the carbon footprint of their consumption.
  • Long-term Product Testing: We conduct professional, long-term tests on products to identify the most sustainable options. This promotes reputable companies and high-quality products, thereby reducing environmental impact.
  • Code of Conduct: We uphold a code of conduct that maintains high standards regarding conflicts of interest, equality, regulatory compliance, and respectful communication. This contributes to democratic societal development.
  • Gender Equality: We actively combat non-objective differences in wages, compensation, and career opportunities between women and men, thereby promoting greater equality in society.
  • Advocacy and Leadership: Our CEO advocates on key e-commerce issues and participates in public debates concerning online commerce. This fosters open dialogue on e-commerce challenges and opportunities for a safer and improved online shopping environment.

Sustainability and Guidelines

Code of Conduct

Nicotine Pouches adheres to a code of conduct that all employees and board members are obligated to follow. This code governs how we interact with colleagues, customers, users, suppliers, authorities, and other internal and external parties, encompassing all companies within the Nicotine Pouches group. It includes guidelines on workplace conduct, communication, compliance with laws and regulations, equality, leadership, delegation, environmental responsibility, relationships with customers, suppliers, and colleagues, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, benefits, and the use of alcohol and drugs.

Whistleblower Policy

Nicotine Pouches has a whistleblower policy that all employees and board members must adhere to. This policy outlines how employees and board members should report misconduct and significant deviations from Nicotine Pouches’ Code of Conduct, laws, and regulations. Reporting can be done through an external service provider to ensure impartial and accurate handling of each case, with the option for anonymity. The whistleblower policy covers all companies within the Nicotine Pouches group and includes guidelines on how to report, what should be reported, anonymity options, protection against retaliation, and the process for handling reports.