Frequently asked questions

How can you compare so many products?

Some parts of the information collection process are automated, while others require manual work. We have a large team that manually gathers information and works diligently to provide you with the most relevant information about products, shops, tests, and prices.

How are prices updated?
Prices are mostly updated automatically at least once a day. For many shops, prices are updated more frequently. However, does not guarantee that prices are correct. It is essential to double-check the price on the shop’s website before making a purchase to ensure that the price you saw on is current and accurate.

How do you compare prices for a product? aims to show all available prices for you. We display prices regardless of whether a shop is a customer of or not. Shops are sorted with the lowest price including shipping at the top and then in ascending order.

Some shops may lack shipping cost information due to technical or resource reasons. They are listed at the bottom with the text “Information unavailable.” You can always reorder the lists to show prices without shipping and check directly on the shop’s website for shipping costs.

There are some exceptions to be aware of. compares millions of products from thousands of retailers and strives to compare as many products as possible. However, there are still many products that we have not yet had the chance to price compare. These products are still displayed on as they might be what you are looking for. It is not guaranteed that such products, if sold by multiple shops, are sorted in order with the lowest prices including shipping at the top.

How can list so many shops? has a technical solution that matches available products, shops, and prices, whether it concerns online shops or certain physical stores. Some parts of data handling are automated while others require manual work.